The Road Traffic Regulations — Licensing of Drivers Part 2

May 10, 2023
The Road Traffic Regulations — Licensing of Drivers Part 1
May 10, 2023
The Road Traffic Regulations — Windscreen and Window Tints
May 10, 2023

Regulation 158 of the new Road Traffic Act outlines the diseases and disabilities which will cause a person to be ineligible for the granting of a driver’s licence. These include:

  • Epilepsy
  • Insanity
  • Aneurysm
  • Angina pectoris
  • Defective vision to a degree corresponding to a standard of vision of less than 6/12 with glasses
  • Disease of the nervous system giving rise to muscular incoordination

Hearing Impairment

Where an applicant for a driver’s licence is hearing impaired, that applicant:

  1. Shall submit a medical certificate, no older than three months, to confirm their level of hearing. This is to be certified by an audiologist, an ear, nose and throat specialist or registered medical practitioner.
  2. Shall be required to comprehend written questions and instructions about the Road Code.
  3. May in relation to the practical test be given:
    • Written directions
    • The map of the test route for review
  4. Shall otherwise be examined according to standard driving competencies

Where a licence is granted to a hearing-impaired applicant, the Authority shall clearly indicate on the face of the licence that the person is hearing impaired.

Certification of Driving Instructors

Where a person with a disability applies to be a driving instructor, the Authority shall not refuse the application on the ground that the person is, because of that disability, not a fit and proper person to act as a driving instructor. The application may only be refused if the applicant, because of that disability, would be unable to carry out the requirements of a driving instructor (regulation 170).

For additional information, contact:

Island Traffic Authority
38H Maxfield Avenue
Kingston 10
Tel: 876-754-1900-1/876-754-2590-3
Facebook & Instagram: @mtmjamaica
Twitter: @MTMJamaica

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